Developing Young Minds: From Conception To Kindergarten
Dr. Rebecca Shore’s landmark book, Developing Young Minds: From Conception to Kindergarten, introduces an essential paradigm shift in perspective that is needed on educating children.Introduction: The Scientist In The Crib
Everything we do with and say to babies
alters their brain biologically and neurologically—ultimately changing their
lives. Cognitive stimulation is occurring naturally around babies because,
literally, everything is new to them. In educational terms, the baby is born a
student ready to learn. Their very existence is focused around learning to
adapt to their new world. This is an enormous responsibility, not just for
parents but also for society as a whole.
The Learning Gap Conundrum
Many children enter kindergarten unready and
unmotivated to learn. Why? The answer lies in what is happening—and not
happening—in the child’s environment between the maternity ward and the first
day of formal school that often stifles this natural urge to learn. It is stifled
when neural circuits that could be formed and want to be formed cannot be
formed because of a lack of positive stimuli in a timely manner. Every Kindergarten
teacher can tell which children came from environments that were rich with a
wide assortment of appropriate constructive inspiration. A “seamless” education
for children is only possible if it begins at birth.
Babies: Touch Them and Talk To Them
Traditionally, it has been the health and
safety of babies that has concerned parents, pediatrics and other early-on
caregivers. It is true babies are born with a developed network of tactile receptors—responding
well to hugs, loving strokes, and cuddling. And the more they feel, the more
data are sent from the skin to the brain. But, when can their thinking capacity
be enhanced? It seems many people still believe newborns are not doing much complex
thinking at all. In fact, they are incredibly high-powered thinking individuals.
Human beings have more brain cells at birth than at any time in their lives,
but they are pruned away if not kindled—“use them or lose them.” Nurturing
neural networks in the brains of infants is as important as providing food for
tummies and clean diapers for bottoms. Babies, infants, and young children are
receptive to far more multifaceted information from their environment than many
believe is possible. Our world must simply be presented to babies in a
conscientious and purposeful manner, one that works for them developmentally.
The Prefrontal Cortex
Evolutionary, as well as in individual brain
growth, the last area of the brain to develop is the prefrontal cortex. This is
where imagining, reasoning, and visualization takes place—our most advanced
thinking. The prefrontal cortex is not
developed in babies. Neurologists believe that it is largely dependent upon
a nurturing environment for proper maturity. Children with a highly developed
prefrontal cortex use it more. For example, when a child asks “why” to
everything they see or hear, this is positive evidence of cerebral development
and is to be celebrated—never stifled!
Learning and Development
Lev Vygotsky, a highly respected professor of
psychology, believed that all higher-order mental processes, such as reasoning
and problem solving are accomplished through the tools of language, signs, and
symbols. Children learn these tools by observing others in their day-to-day
experiences. Vygotsky saw a complex relationship between learning and
development, claiming that learning can actually lead development, and genuine
learning always involves more than one human being. He saw that there is a
distinct difference between what a child can accomplish unassisted and what a
child can accomplish in an environment deliberately structured to provide
assistance. The difference between what a child can perform completely alone
versus in a learning environment with ‘hints’ or ‘clues’ from an adult Vygotsky
called the “Zone of Proximal Development”, or “ZPD.” This term is quite popular
in education, and comes naturally to some parents—but not all.
Routine Activities Equals Learning Opportunities
While babies cannot talk to us in their
infancy, they absorb and process as much data as they are exposed to—the more
complex the better. Complex means high quality. Actively hearing talk and
being talked with solicits much higher-level responses in the brain than
passive observation—like watching TV. Having a dialogue with a baby is possible!
An exchange of language, verbal and non-verbal, elicits joy in the baby. Being
spoken to, questioned, and looked at with anticipation—experiencing the wait
time needed for a response—perhaps just a blink of the eye, wiggle of the legs,
a smile, or a coo is enough for a conversation! Complexity is about
connections. Children are born with a great capacity for language but don’t
learn to speak at all unless they are spoken to. The richness of a life with
well-developed speech and language abilities is directly dependent on exposure
to diverse speech patterns in the first years of life.
Neurons That Fire Together—Wire Together
Children need to be able to freely interact
with their environment in a relaxing and challenging manner—better known as ‘play’! Play is
children’s work. Given plenty of choice, and the opportunity for fantasy, the
child is able to increase the strength of the intellectual makeup within the
brain. Helping young children accomplish what they are naturally wired to
happily do should not be a high-pressure competition. Pushing children through
stages of development is not necessary—it is not a “Tiger Mom” race. The
schedule for what is ‘normal’ is quite loose, as each child is an individual on
his or her own timetable. Albert Einstein, associated with an amazing ability
to think, did not complete high school and is said to have not talked much until
the age of four.
Society doesn’t fully grasp the importance of
neglecting the infant human brain—yet. If they did, there would be maternity ward
education centers with free information and training—baby libraries. There
would be government and state funded mother and father schools for first-time
parents, home-assistance/visiting programs from conception to kindergarten, and
high-quality universal preschool with well-trained—well-paid teachers. The
failure to provide an enriched environment for babies and young children
prevents them from realizing their full human potential to develop cognitively
and become whatever they could have become in life—it takes away choices. Developing
the infant brain needs care, cultivation, and complexity—we as a moral, just, and enlightened society are all responsible—the results, when we take action, are astounding!
Best always, Papa Green Bean
This is the third and final article reviewing Developing Young Minds: From Conception to Kindergarten. Here are links to the first two articles:
An Investment with Rich Rewards and Returns
Music Matters:The Bach Effect
An Investment with Rich Rewards and Returns
Music Matters:The Bach Effect
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